Home/Buildings & Bridges
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    Cute little lighthouse -what do we need to be on the lookout for?  What dangers lurk closely?  Quite a symbolic item.
  • Let this Miniature Faux Wood Bridge bring your miniature scenes to life, serving as an enchanting pathway for an array of special animals, creatures, or simply wee people!
  • This is a lovely natural connector for your miniature world's homes, ponds, meadows, and bridges.  Excellent for bringing playfulness or mystery to the sandtray....where will the path lead? Let this Fairy Village Path bring your miniature scene to life!  
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    Perfect size for the miniature garden affect or for the fairy garden.
  • 2 piece  miniature stairway - where will they lead?
  • Where will this bridge take your client?  Will it help them cross the difficult road or take them to a magical place?
  • This is a lovely natural connector for your miniature world's homes, ponds, meadows, and bridges.  Excellent for bringing playfulness or mystery to the sandtray....where will the path lead? Let this Fairy Village Path bring your miniature scene to life!  
  • These make your own castles are great for when a client wants to create their own 'home' in the sandtray. Great for use with children with divorce, grief, or out of care issues.

    Simply interlock 2 boards to instantly create a sturdy canvas for decorating with paint, markers, collage materials & more!

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    The triumphal arch is an iconic structure associated with Ancient Roman architecture. It consists of two large pillars connected by an arch, and may have lots of decorative elements and flourishes sculpted into it. Sometimes there are separate, smaller arches within the two main pillars.
  • Wishes wanting, wishes granted, magic grows when seeds are planted........what is the magical wish?
  • Welcome all with this inviting wooden covered bridge with rustic tin roof. Create a picturesque landscape and a safe pathway over teeny streams, rivers and dry riverbeds which will be sure to attract the attention of all fairies, pixies, gnomes and the like
  • All types of beings will appreciate attracting their feathered friends to this basin.
  • This is a lovely natural connector for your miniature world's homes, ponds, meadows, and bridges.  Excellent for bringing playfulness or mystery to the sandtray....where will the path lead? Let this Fairy Village Path bring your miniature scene to life!  
  • This is a lovely natural connector for your miniature world's homes, ponds, meadows, and bridges.  Excellent for bringing playfulness or mystery to the sandtray....where will the path lead? Let this Fairy Village Path bring your miniature scene to life!  
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    What will these signs mean?  Where will the exit be and what will be stopped?
  • This 100-year-old isolated, grumpy, unsightly troll lives under the oldest bridge of the forest.....who will be brave enough to cross it? Wiggle him into the dirt, gravel, moss and grasses, or mulch in your fairy gardens, terrariums, and other miniature scenes, and watch this troll bring your miniature scene to life! Do keep in mind, however, that miniature scenes come in all sizes. Some are big and some are quite small. Be sure to check the measurements of this item to confirm whether it will complement your miniature project.
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