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    Nice image of a smurf with a gold medal.

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    Everybody can relate to Snoopy and the whole Charlie Brown collection. Snoopy will very soon lay down on his doghouse's roof and take a nap or philosophise about the world.

  • Yeti

    Yeti is giving its best intimidation pose, its claws spread and its mouth open wide to expose its fangs.  A demonic appearance - certainly doesn't look friendly but is this creature dangerous or just scared?    
  • This set features a Crawling Zombie, Zombie on Floor, Zombie Rising, Grave with Hand Protruding, Biker Zombie, Big Zombie, Bloody Zombie, Pointing Zombie, Elder Zombie, Zombie in Dress, Mindless Zombie, and Lady Zombie. The modern zombie, depicted as an undead monster with a hunger for brains, are often used as a metaphor for various social issues.
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