Home/Fantasy, Fairytale & Mythology
  • This set features a Crawling Zombie, Zombie on Floor, Zombie Rising, Grave with Hand Protruding, Biker Zombie, Big Zombie, Bloody Zombie, Pointing Zombie, Elder Zombie, Zombie in Dress, Mindless Zombie, and Lady Zombie. The modern zombie, depicted as an undead monster with a hunger for brains, are often used as a metaphor for various social issues.
  • Yeti

    Yeti is giving its best intimidation pose, its claws spread and its mouth open wide to expose its fangs.  A demonic appearance - certainly doesn't look friendly but is this creature dangerous or just scared?    
  • Wizard

    A kindly soul who carries his dragon head wand with him wherever he goes so that he can work his magic for you.  A Sorcerer who uses his magic for protection and good to fight evil.
  • Glittery broomstick with magic symbol.  Freestanding.  What will this symbol mean?  Will it be used to clean or to ride on?  Will it create magic?
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    This broom might be used by a wicked witch...or a lovely white witch

    or used to sweep what away?

  • What wicked spell is being cast and on whom?  Interesting item to have in the sandtray.
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    A pretty little witch on a broomstick - what sort of mischief is she hiding?  The Papo Orange Witch is ready to take to the skies on her broom!
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    Nice image of a smurf with a gold medal.

  • NEW GOLD COLOUR! Swooping in from above this dragon has his eye on you!
  • Werewolf

    Among all legendary creatures of the night, the Werewolf perhaps reigns supreme. Not only can it terrorize the darkness with tooth and claw, but in human form, it can walk about during the day, with no one the wiser, waiting for nightfall and the chance to howl once again.
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    Vanity Smurf just loves to look at his own reflection in the mirror!

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    Set of 2

    Magical Unicorn horse and Knight rider.  Are they evil or crusaders for good?

  • This beautiful golden unicorn is a lovely image of all things magical and mystical.

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    This 100-year-old isolated, grumpy, unsightly troll lives under the oldest bridge of the forest.....who will be brave enough to cross it? Wiggle him into the dirt, gravel, moss and grasses, or mulch in your fairy gardens, terrariums, and other miniature scenes, and watch this troll bring your miniature scene to life! Do keep in mind, however, that miniature scenes come in all sizes. Some are big and some are quite small. Be sure to check the measurements of this item to confirm whether it will complement your miniature project.
  • With its many rows of curved spikes, the thorny devil looks a force to be reckoned with!  With great camouflage it is often mistaken for a twig.
  • With its many rows of curved spikes, the thorny devil looks a force to be reckoned with!  With great camouflage it is often mistaken for a twig.
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