Complete with an assortment of colorful bait fish and bobber, this old school Miniature "Gone Fishin'" Tackle Box is filled and ready to go! An opened petite wood chest is painted in a vibrant red, showcasing the tools needed to reel in a big one! "Gone Fishin," is painted on the inside of the tackle box!
Archetypes of heroes and villains figurines in our Role Playing Designer TOOB, featuring valiant warriors and treacherous monsters. This set includes 6 figures: the heroic and hulking Barbarian, the magic-wielding Mage, the armour-clad Warrior Knight, the agile Elven Archer, the menacing Evil Skeleton Soldier, and the monstrous Berserker Orc.
This Toob contains 7 historical landmarks, including Mount Rushmore, the Great Wall of China, the Buddha of Lantau, the Easter Island heads, the Colosseum, the Great Sphinx of Giza, and Stonehenge. What might these places mean for your clients. Is it where they have happy memories, sad memories, want to visit? Will invoke many emotions.
Book your ticket for a trip around the world to experience these amazing landmarks, including: The Leaning Tower of Pisa, Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal, Arch of Triumph, Statue of Liberty, Temple of Inscriptions, Pyramids of Giza, Empire State Building, Big Ben, and the Parthenon. What might these places mean for your clients. Is it where they have happy memories, sad memories, want to visit? Will invoke many emotions.
This set features a Crawling Zombie, Zombie on Floor, Zombie Rising, Grave with Hand Protruding, Biker Zombie, Big Zombie, Bloody Zombie, Pointing Zombie, Elder Zombie, Zombie in Dress, Mindless Zombie, and Lady Zombie. The modern zombie, depicted as an undead monster with a hunger for brains, are often used as a metaphor for various social issues.
This set of hand-painted figures includes a variety of animal species found in the vast Pacific Ocean. Great selection of sea life for your collection. It includes a Gray Whale, a Sea Lion, a Pacific White-sided Dolphin, a Galapagos Penguin, a Blue-footed Booby, a Tortoise, a Blue Tang, a Tiger Shark, a Crab, and an Octopus.