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    Cute little volcano with a big message: What will this erupting volcano represent - who erupts in the family?  Who has anger issues?  Or who is simply into science and travel?
  • Look what the stork dropped off! This Toob includes a bundle of lively and cheerful babies in different poses, including sitting, crawling, playing with blocks, cuddling a blanket, sleeping, and more!
    , these figurines will turn your home into a busy nursery in no time. Be warned – adopting all of these little ones means 9 different diapers to change!

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    Medical professional working in the bush or the jungle.  Is this a Vet attending to your livestock or a Doctor attending to your family or perhaps a future career dream job?
  • The camel can survive for days without food and weeks without water. They make water within their bodies due to their unique chemistry.
  • Campfire

    Great piece for the sandtray.  What happens in the wild, is there a party around the campfire or lots of talking when out camping?  Are they safe from danger or are there wild animals around?
  • I wonder what this fire will represent in the sandtray.  For some it will be warmth, the sun and for others anger or hate, power, and passion.
    • What does being the driver’s seat mean to you?
    • Where do you really want to get to?
    • Do you find it difficult to shift gears?
    • How will you know when to speed up or slow down?
  • Fantastic set of 16 pieces.

    Australian traffic signs, cars, trucks, bus and emergency vehicles.  Signs include:

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    NEW MODEL! Cerberus is the mythical three-headed dog from Greek and Roman mythology that guards the gates of the Underworld, to prevent those who have crossed from ever escaping!

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    A master at camouflage, the chameleon blends in with the surroundings
  • Set of 4 Great little set of champagne glasses that can be symbolic of either positive or negative attributes.

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    Everybody can relate to Snoopy and the whole Charlie Brown collection. Here is Lucy, Charlie Brown and Snoopy playing football.

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    This lovely cat has adorable eyes looking up at you
  • Baby cheetahs are very helpless and when their mother is out hunting, they are completely defenceless against hungry lions and hyenas.   Their camouflage is a silver mane that stands up like a mohican hairstyle and looks like long blades of grass from afar.
  • Curious bright and social.  Is this mummy and her baby coming over to chat with you?  Chimpanzees eat a varied diet of leaves, seeds, grains, fruit, nuts, bark, birds, mammals, reptiles, and insects. They have an average lifespan of 45 years in the wild, although they can live to be 60 years old and are the closest living relative to humans.
  • Choosing Strengths enables users to identify and communicate their potential strengths and how to focus on, and develop them. This toolkit is founded on the tradition of choice theory and strengths-based practice – making it a vital addition for practitioners wanting to support people’s self-determination.
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