Quan Yin is the Goddess of mercy, compassion, and healing. and eternal protector of all children. She is known as the female Buddha who has vowed to ease the suffering of all beings.
The cassowary is native to the tropical forests of New Guinea and northeastern Australia.The Southern Cassowary is the third tallest and second heaviest living bird in the world!
Cassowaries are very shy but when provoked they have a powerful talon claw which is capable of inflicting significant injuries and even death to other animals and people.
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Although long reputed to be cowardly scavengers, hyenas, especially spotted hyenas, kill as much as 95% of the food they eat and have been known to drive off leopards or lionesses from their kills. Hyenas are primarily nocturnal animals, but may venture from their lairs in the early morning hours. Only the highly social spotted hyena will live in family groups and congregate at kills.
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The mandrill is the most colorful of all the primates. It is very famous for its brightly coloured bottom!