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  • Fantastic set of facial expression that can used in teaching particularly for social difficulites and Autism. Can also be used as a game.

  • Fantastic kit for the would be doctor where they can explore their pretend play and build up imagination.  Also a great kit to have to support a child needing a medical procedure.      
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    What adventures lie within or without these walls?  Paired with knights, Kings & Queens for a great story.
  • Draped in his caparison to protect him from sword cuts, the medieval horse is the proud steed of the fighter. Both will need all their speed and dexterity to combat the enemy and to help the allied troops to move forward.
  • Beautifully dressed with a red gown and robe.
  • The Dragon King Horse is an impressive sight in his decorated armour to match his King. He is ready for his knight to ride him into battle.
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    Once beautiful, the hideous and powerful Medusa turns onlookers to stone with her gaze.
  • Sometimes you just need to be heard!

  • Big fluffy Merino Sheep reading for sheering or cuddles.  Very tranquil peaceful image of a sheep
  • Big fluffy Merino Sheep reading for sheering or cuddles.  Very regal looking Ram
  • Big fluffy Merino Sheep reading for sheering or cuddles.  Very regal looking Ram
  • This wizard stands with the power of the elements in one hand and a staff in the other. A favourite amongst many children.
  • Mermaid

    Beautifully detailed with vibrant colours, this mermaid plays with a fish in her hand!
  • What will these mermaids get up to?  Will they dive in the water, swim through abandoned shipwrecks, make some fishy friends or mesmerise the pirates? This set includes 6 shimmering mermaid models in a range of poses, hair colours, skin colours and fin colours (2 with purple fins, 2 with green fins, and 2 with blue fins).
  • Set of 3 These bottles have a removable cork and are filled with a scroll of paper.  Who is this message for?  What will it say?  Has it been found or is it being sent to someone?

  • Live a calmer, happier life by changing the way you perceive the world, with Intrinsic’s Mindfulness Guided Journal. Discover how to pay attention to what's most important in life, to boost your wellbeing on an emotional, physical and spiritual level. What's a Guided Journal you may ask?  This themed journal is designed to help you with your journaling, with a combination of blank pages, questions to answer, journaling prompts, motivational messages, mini-activities, advice, ideas, and monthly reflection questions to assist you on your mindful journey.  
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