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  • Welcome all with this inviting wooden covered bridge with rustic tin roof. Create a picturesque landscape and a safe pathway over teeny streams, rivers and dry riverbeds which will be sure to attract the attention of all fairies, pixies, gnomes and the like
  • Kangaroos have large, powerful hind legs, large feet adapted for leaping, a long muscular tail for balance, and a small head.  A large male can be 2 m (6 ft 7 in) tall and weigh 90 kg (200 lb).
  • Rock wallabies prefer rough terrain and rock outcroppings and they can scale cliffs and climb rocks with superb agility and can leap sizable chasms. Just like their cousins the kangaroo, the mother rock wallaby gives birth at a very early stage of a joey's development. The underdeveloped joey crawls up to the pouch and continues to develop in safety for a further 6 months.
  • The Southern Boobook is the smallest and most common owl in Australia.  Traditionally owls are thought of as the wise ones!
  • Kiwi

    The Kiwi is a unique and curious bird:  it cannot fly, has loose, hair-like feathers, strong legs and no tail. Native to New Zealand it has become it's national symbol.
  • Sometimes knows as the fairy wren this lovely blue wren will delight
  • The Laughing Kookaburra is the largest of the kingfisher family, and famous for its chorus of laughter which echoes through the Australian bush.
  • Out of stock
    Great figurine of a Tasmanian Devil.  The Tasmanian Devil was once found all over Australia but is now extinct on the mainland and only found in Tasmania.  Almost wiped out there as well their numbers are slowly coming back thanks to breeding programs and dedicated conservationists.
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    High quality items. Realistic. Tallest Figurine approx 12.5cm(H).
  • Sheep

    Very tranquil peaceful image of a sheep
  • Sow

    Lovely image of a mother pig ready to feed her babies!
  • Ram

    Sheep are pure herd animals. You never see them alone.  This ram has a beautiful set of curled horns.
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    Muriel The elf princess is very brave and spreads so much love. She is very friendly and loves pretty things.
  • A delicate unicorn with blue mane and tail. This enchanted unicorn is rare and is often found near an enchanted princess, prince, elf or fairy. You must believe to view this beautiful creature.
  • Set of 3

    Elephants live in family groups. Elephants rely on the memory skills of their matriarch, who may be over 60 years old to guide them to food and water in an ever changing environment.

  • These adorable Giant Panda Bear Cubs will be frolicking in the sandtray and getting up to mischief.  They are very playful.
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