Lovely serene image of the Japanese Buddah Jizo with a red heart.
The Jizo of a rare gem, I hold your precious love close to me always
Lovely serene image of the Japanese Buddah Jizo with a red heart.
The Jizo of a rare gem, I hold your precious love close to me always
Symbolic item of Jesus nailed to the cross.
Pack of 10 coins.
I-Ching coins are from ancient China and are used to symbolise prosperity.
Pack of 10 coins.
I-Ching coins are from ancient China and are used to symbolise prosperity.
Although long reputed to be cowardly scavengers, hyenas, especially spotted hyenas, kill as much as 95% of the food they eat and have been known to drive off leopards or lionesses from their kills. Hyenas are primarily nocturnal animals, but may venture from their lairs in the early morning hours. Only the highly social spotted hyena will live in family groups and congregate at kills.
The Australian Huntsman spider can grow quite large and move very quickly across bedroom walls at night! |