Out of stockSmiley face ball, always happy to see anyone
Out of stockIn Christian teachings Christ is the revelation of the love and forgiveness of God. Jesus said: "Love God, and love those around you as you love yourself" The cross emphasizes the crucifiction and scarifice of Jesus.
Sale!Out of stockNewborn animals require love, food and care.
Rock wallabies prefer rough terrain and rock outcroppings and they can scale cliffs and climb rocks with superb agility and can leap sizable chasms. Just like their cousins the kangaroo, the mother rock wallaby gives birth at a very early stage of a joey's development. The underdeveloped joey crawls up to the pouch and continues to develop in safety for a further 6 months.
Out of stockWith a lifespan of nearly 30 years, this Sea Lion will become a treasured friend. With flippers and a streamlined body, sea lions are graceful but swift swimmers.
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Azrael is a very mischievous cat and tries endlessly to catch the Smurfs with Gargamel.
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The mandrill is the most colorful of all the primates. It is very famous for its brightly coloured bottom!