Set of 2.
These mother sea lion and her cub could be wild and frolicking in the sea or living in captivity at the zoo. This can lead to interesting interpretations in the sandtray.
Set of 2.
These mother sea lion and her cub could be wild and frolicking in the sea or living in captivity at the zoo. This can lead to interesting interpretations in the sandtray.
This squirrel is as cute as can be. Is he getting up to mischief? |
Realistic statue of St Francis.
Detailed figurine of St Michael (or he is also known as Archangel Michael) who is the saint or angel protector of mankind
The Standard Kit!
The Standard Kit is a complete set of the most popular items in our collection. The items within the Standard Kit are from our high quaility range of products. Great value (10% off buying items individually) and with a special price of only $975.00
The Standard Kit! (Budget variety) - 4 reduced items
The Standard Kit is a complete set of the most popular items in our collection. The budget variety items are:
Family Set replaced with Wooden and Cloth variety
Community Workers Set replaced with wooden multicultural workers
Paddocks/fences replaced with smaller unit
Bridge replaced with mini one
all other items are the same as in the Standard Kit and are from our high quality range of products. Great value (10% off buying items individually) and with a special price of only $850.00
This item is symbolic of Judaism and symbolic of faith.
During WWII people of the Jewish faith were forced to wear this on their clothes and so it became also a symbol of oppression under a rule of tyranny.